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Cricket helmets are used for protection of the players in the game; as balls can travel at speeds more than 90mph, the risk of injury is high – cricket helmets work to prevent against this and are an essential piece of any cricket player’s equipment bag!

Materials used for making cricket helmets are impact resistance materials like ABS Plastic, Fibreglass, carbon fibre, titanium, steel and high density foam etc. Main parts of a cricket helmets are grill (made with steel, titanium or carbon fibre), chin strap, inner foam material, outer impact resistant shell etc,

In short, British Standard BS7928:2013-compliant helmets are heavily tested, have a narrower gap between the peak and the grille of the helmet and are not adjustable on either side, thereby reducing the risk of a ball entering through the opening in the helmet.
Wicketkeepers under the age of 18 should wear a head protector with a faceguard, or a wicketkeeper face protector, at all times when standing up to the stumps. Any individual taking responsibility for any player(s) under the age of 18 should take reasonable steps to ensure this guidance is followed at all times.
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